If you are in Bengaluru, check out the Bangalore Fort, the most visited historical monument in the city. Kempe Gowda I, the founder of Bengaluru, built this mud fort in 1537.

According to a legend, the southern gate of Bangalore Fort would collapse no sooner than it was built. Human sacrifices were indicated to ward off evil spirits. But Kempe Gowda would not accept human sacrifices.

In realizing her father-in-law's situation, Kempe Gowda's daughter-in-law beheaded herself with a sword at the southern gate. After that, the Fort was completed without mishap – Source: Wikipedia.

The mud fort was further enlarged during Chikkadeva Raya Wodeyar's rule between 1673 AD – 1704 AD. In 1761, Hyder Ali upgraded the mud fort to a stone fort.

Hyder Ali's son Tipu Sultan improved the Fort in the late 18th century. He made it his stronghold until the British Army, led by Lord Cornwallis, captured it during the third Mysore War.

In the words of Lt. Col Standes, the Bangalore Fort had a perimeter of about one mile. It was a solid masonry, surrounded by a wide ditch and 26 towers placed at intervals along the ramparts.

After capturing the Bangalore Fort in 1791, the British started dismantling the Fort, and the process continued till 1930. All that remains of the Bangalore Fort is the Delhi Gate and the two bastions.